You want to keep your business? Start using Digital Logistics Tools NOW!

Q1 of 2020 showed us how vulnerable the global supply chain is. Without access to a large network of service providers, one could easily be left stranded. And global trade might get halted.
In times like these, we are reminded of how important it is to validate your logistics partners. Making sure they have sufficient processes installed and enough resources at their hands.
That said, the direct shipping cost has become secondary. By now the only important thing is availability, combined with access to real-time information.
This brings us to digitalisation. Because only through that can we optimise the supply chains and improve communication. Moreover, without it, we cannot organise just-in-time deliveries or track goods. Nor conduct the proper analysis.
Digitalization of the supply chain has been an issue for the last decade. And with new technologies becoming available, the speed of innovation is finally growing.
By now, there are a lot of players coming to the market, providing different types of digital services. Yet the majority of them are local players, building niche solutions. These tools are better than no tools at all.

However, shipping can still be easy.
At Speys, we have built a simple-to-use partner portal that is neutral, connecting LSPs with manufacturers and warehouses. It provides a real time tracking, has a 24/7 Control Tower support, offering transparency and visibility, an expense management feature, providing a shipping invoice factoring. Integrated with many logistics service providers, the portal allows you to manage all your shipments in a single window. Saving at least 20% on a supply chain total expenses, improving the speed of communication 5x, reducing at least 70% of the manual operations are the reasons why companies choose Speys as a parner.
We are especially happy that our plan has been vetted by our new investor, Innovestor. With the help of this Finnish VC, we raised $1.2 million euros at the beginning of March. Besides that, we also got extra R&D-related funding from Business Finland. So regardless of the economic situation, we are able to keep developing our platform and serving our customers.
So if you are an engineer looking for challenges in the field of digital logistics OR a representative of a business that needs help with logistics, email me at